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Chemical Plant





We will help you demonstrate how much you care about your employees. We are the only company that will interact with your supervisors and safety committee every single week, 52 weeks a year. Our weekly training exercises are only 5-7 minutes long.


We are not going to sell your teams workbooks for hundreds of dollars just for them to be tossed on a shelf and never used. We will leave that to our competitors. We will encourage you to buy a 3-ring binder and WE will fill it together over the next 52 weeks with training, audits, employee engagements, toolbox talks, and more! No two weeks will be the same!


We will provide your team with training on hundreds of OSHA mandated programs and we will ensure your employees also receive soft skill training in areas such as Empathy, Kindness, Teamwork, and Leadership.


The current climate of the world has shown that we all need to do a better job with these soft skills subjects.


We are the lowest cost provider of cloud-based training and we will provide you with an outline of what and when to train.  No other provider will give you that level of personal service.  Moving into 2021, we have a training matrix that will have all OSHA mandated training while allowing your site to assign and schedule any training from our 200+ title inventory.


With companies being required to do more with less, our drumbeat programs (Manager, Supervisors, Safety Committee) ensure that front line leaders are well equipped to keep their teams safe while staying OSHA compliant.


Equally important of who we are; is who we are NOT. We are not looking to sell canned training to the masses on the Internet (there are hundreds of these companies out there). We want a relationship with your company.  We look forward to an e-mail that says "Hey Dusty, we would sure like to see some training on ______ subject."  READY SAFE GO will look at options of how that can be developed and delivered in a timely and cost-effective manner.


We are not a company that is looking to nickel and dime our members. If we have something that is easily attained and shared, it will be free to our members. An example of this is the COVID-19 Program, Action Plan, and Risk Assessment form below. These were created and shared with our members at no additional cost. We are a fluid company that can develop and deliver training quickly. We strive to be the lowest cost provider while still being very professional and personal in our delivery. 





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